WBAS Calendar of events

Our monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm are packed full of interest with demonstrations or talks from top professionals and we have a great line up for this year.
You can view our programme below which will have lots of arty ideas to inspire us all! Please click on each event to open a new page with more details on each one.

If you would like to print out the programme for 2025 please click the following link: programme 2025

All meetings take place at our normal venue at Tennet Hall, Watford Grammar School for Girls, Lady’s Close, Watford WD18 0AE.  See Tab ‘Directions’ for further details


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A busy night!

Tonight is the AGM for WBAS but don't let that put you off, it will be short and followed by a practical demo on 'Framing and Backing' your work with Kevin Sawyer. Someone who is well experienced in hanging framing and hanging lots of our work at our various venues.ALSO it is the night for […]

Competition night with Watford Camera Club

Our annual battle between Art versus Photography with Watford Camera Club. 15 of members work selected at the April meeting will be compared with 15 of their photographs all from different people. Ronnie Ireland will be our judge who will give a short critique of each and awarding marks out of 20 for each. The […]

Watercolour with Jake Winkle

Inspirational and lively watercolours are the key to tonight's demonstration from the amazing Jake Winkle. He will show us how he creates his unique paintings. Members free visitors £10.

Acrylics and mixed media with Mark Warner.

We have been inspired before by Mark's unique style in using acrylics and other media. He joins us once again for more of the same. Members free visitors £10.

Perfect Pastels with Joel Waring

Joels paintings are made from sketches and photographs taken on location and created out of a desire to translate an atmosphere with the finished image. He is a practising artist and teacher based in Surrey. Members free visitors £10.

TONY HINCHLIFFE….”nothing less”

This beautiful painting will be the subject of our August meeting. Tony will explain that it is crucial to have a realistic relationship between the figure and the background. Members free visitors £10.


Phil Biggs has kindly stepped in to paint for us, as the planned demonstrator Keith Hornblower, has had to cancel his visit unexpectedly. Phil, also a watercolour artist, loves to paint the light and atmosphere of the British landscape. He enjoys passing on his enthusiasm and knowledge to others and seeing them succeed. So let's […]