Watford & Bushey Art Society loves to exhibit original art whether by brush, pastel, collage, etching, lino cut or other similar hand created work.  We do NOT exhibit photographic or digital work other than prints of original art and only then as unframed work.

WBAS have EXCITING NEW VENUES for the former Spring Exhibition and we are delighted to be part of the Bushey Festival for 2024. In fact there are two venues to visit. Artwork can be viewed and purchased from The Lucy Kemp Welch Gallery (next to St. James’ Church, Rectory Lane, Bushey) and Oakmoor Lodge Care Home, London Road, Bushey. Please come along and have a chat with our Stewards. Doors will be open from 10.00am until 4pm, from 28th June until 7th July.

We are very happy indeed to say that we are exhibiting once again in the cafe at the former Van Hage Garden Centre, Chenies, now known as Blue Diamond, following its refurbishment. The cafe looks amazing, especially with our members art on display! We will continue to  update the exhibition regularly. Many of our members have been successful in selling their paintings here.

Don’t forget our ongoing display at the Par3 Cafe  in Bushey: a great place to eat.

We continue as a Society to search for other places to exhibit our artists amazing work and we would welcome suggestions from potential venues in this regard.

Information and entry forms for exhibitions will be sent to all members at the appropriate time. 

We do ask our members to support these venues in return for their collaboration.